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Aug 02

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  •  Learn the stone system and poe currency take advantage of service gemsTo get new skills in Path of Exile, you will usually have to equip gems into sockets in your equipment. Any class can use any skill, but gems do have stat and degree requirements. Gems can only be outfitted in slots of the same color.Skill gems: All these add an attack, charm, projectile, or trap/mine. Support gems: These gems modify supportable skills when equipped in a linked socket (one with a line drawn to another socket).

    The support gem must be harmonious with all the gem in the connected socket so as to get an effect. As an example, a service gem that affects projectiles won't do anything to some linked melee attack stone. Ensure that your linked gems are compatible!Equipped gems level up as you earn XP, getting ten percent of the base XP awarded from monster kills. Your character encounters an XP penalty when revisiting lower level areas, but that penalty doesn't apply to gems.

    Thus you can quickly level gems by replaying areas that are a few degrees lower than your current level.Every piece of loot you get takes up varying levels of room in your bag. To take as many possible things at once, you need to move items around and squeeze things into the allotted spaces. Even after that, your luggage is bound to fill up fast if you pick up each and every thing you encounter.

    The trick, then, would be to ignore buy poe trade  items your character can't utilize or are of low price. Item rarity is indicated by colours: White: Norma,Blue: Magic,Yellow: Rare, Orange: Unique.You can pretty much discount white items unless you are going to go back to town and have the room to spare for them. Rarer things are usually worth picking up and selling, even if you have to hold onto them for a while.

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