greenmansp Discussion started by greenmansp 5 years ago
I agree with you when I played vanilla(wow vanilla gold), it was an accomplishment and I hope that they do not place at a wow token in the game, but from a business standpoint they need to make money and micro transactions provide immediate cash for a company.i hope they don't place it but that I would be very surprised if it is not from the game.I hope they do not either. If the WoW Classic team knows their target market, they wouldn't add it. Yes, I agree that in the brief run it might be rewarding, but in the long run, it might drive subscribers down, therefore, be profitable.WoW traditional Gold would just be devalued on the auction house, (things would sell for more, so long as the distribution remains constant). Vendors would remain the same. I'm one of those who isn't inclined to grind and farm hours at a time anymore (26, ahem) so would get a moderate degree of wow tokens to at least take off the edge. But the market works, Tea Thyme is sensible, and speaks reasonable. Back in the day you could buy whole reports on eBay, so already had retail such as potentials.

I know he's a good buddy of yours Melderon but nobody is free from critisism. Yes we long for WoW Classic understand we won't receive a 100.0percent replica on Vanilla but adding a token and other changes he would like to see is not likely to help getting closer to it. I mean I'm an adult now also as you know with family and such, having limited time to play compared to before. So I could be one of those who would welcome ezmode and changes as I consider myself as a (serious) casual. Guess what, NOT happening with me because when I do play with the the game I want a fantastic gaming experience without all the hand holding, silver plattern and faceroll things that we got in retail and a number of other online games now. This alone is one good reason why we long for WoW Classic and keep it "pure".

So many things he said here and you had a 1h 43min movie to discuss it and I could only type atm but I wounder if he's even heared what they advised us till today, such as the Blizzcon interview and more. The token will make people not needing to work because of their stuff. You inspect 95% of the characters in cities and all you see are all those folks in pre raid BiS. Like who did fight and work for it who opened their wallets. Seems he could not care about WoW Classic, but he will play it for those who do.

Hey guys, only want to go on the list and say that I totally disagree with changing vanilla. However, tea is evaporating a stance, he is arguing what might occur. He does not want the token nor does he want changes. I'm not sure what this did not undergo. He believes the wow token could happen because Activision sucks along with the purpose about endgame changes are exactly what he thinks will make vanilla more reachable of cheapest classic wow gold. I don't want any of these things to happen... it's important in life to not exist in an echo chamber of comparable thought. I've read a lot of opinions and individuals get VERY defensive when people question exactly what"WoW Classic" might/should be. I think Tea Thyme made lots of good points. Lets face it, developers do not decide what ultimately enters the game....they just implement the"program" made by the decision makers of the firm.